Saturday, June 30, 2012

Abraham Lincoln Vs Zombies

By now I'm sure everyone has heard of the new Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter movie, but this one seems to have slipped through the cracks and for obvious reasons.  In this particular flick Abe and his secret service members take on the task of eradicating  the world of zombies in the midst of the civil war. 

Asylum is not really known for producing any blockbuster hits but every once in a while they make a half decent movie, this however is not one.  Bill Oberst Jr plays Abraham Lincoln and does a pretty good job, the rest of the actors should go back to acting school.  The blood a gore seemed really fake and forced and at certain points in the movie the zombies actually looked like they were scared.

One thing I did like was how they kind of intertwined the plot with Abe's history.  I don't want to give too much away just in case you find this movie in a free bin at some second hand movie store and you feel the need to waste 96 minutes of your life.

Friday, June 22, 2012

Exit Humanity

Exit Humanity is probably the best zombie apocalypse written movie to date. This is the tale of one mans loss and his search for peace in a world overrun with zombies. Unlike most movies of this genre, this one takes place shortly after the civil war.
The movie starts with Edward Young, played by actor Mark Gibson, losing his wife and son to zombies. He then embarks on a quest to find a resting place for his sons ashes. Along the way he encounters a few survivors, some good and others not so good.
What sets this movie apart from most is that it is that you are seeing one mans point of view. This really makes you connect with the main character.
This is certainly not a big budget film and there are no A list actors but it delivers a quality experience and keeps you watching to find out what happens next. I would definitely recommend this to any zombie/horror/suspense fan.

Zombie Tools

If you're looking for the best in zombie cutlery then look no further.  The boys from Zombie Tools know how to make a blade tailored to killing zombies.  These blades are made of the finest quality steel and will stand the test of time.  Each one is made by hand to order and tested for durability. If you don't believe it, check this video out.  They recorded this video with the purpose of destroying the sword they call, the Deuce.
Each of their blades has a unique design and they regularly come up with new better looking designs.  Seriously these blades are all wicked and bad ass looking. Below are a few designs currently offered by Zombie Tools. 

My opinion has always been that blades are the preferred method of zombie slaying since they are quiet and require no ammo.  These blades are the real deal gents and to quote the crafters "DON’T BE A DOUCHEBAG. Respect your blade and it will respect your hide."  

All images and videos are property of

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Which Round Is Best?

This seems to be a topic of much debate just about everywhere I read and these are my personal opinions.  Ideally everyone should have at least 1 hand gun and 1 rifle.  I'm partial to my 1911, I don't think there is a more reliable handgun and you can't beat the stopping power of a .45 ACP.  That being said it does have it's drawbacks.  It only holds 7 rounds and it's loud.  Loud is definitely not a good thing.  In a zombie filled world I can't stress the importance if a quiet kill.  For that reason I would invest in a .22.  Sure it might sound ill-equipped but I assure you, a .22 has enough velocity to penetrate a human skull at reasonable distances.  Just about any firearm chambered in a .22 can be purchased at a reasonably cheap price and ammo is plenty abundant and cheap as well.  Since you can get a rifle and a handgun both chambered in .22 you wouldn't have to worry about carrying different types of ammo and one person can carry plenty of them.  Another added benefit of a .22 rifle is that most barrels are naturally silenced.  I guess when it comes down to the wire you should probably use whatever you have handy.  The chart below shows a few cities and kind of attraction gun fire would have on the population.

Friday, June 8, 2012

Zombies Rise In Popularity

Ever since Night of The Living Dead zombies have been pretty popular and their number of fans have only grown over the years but I have to say, this Florida "bath salt zombie" guy has single handedly taken it to a new level.  I heard on the radio yesterday that there was a ridiculous increase in zombie apocalypse related websites that started just days after the Florida attack. I wish I could remember the exact number they threw out but you can see for yourself on just about any social network.  Multiple websites report the word zombie trending just about everyday since the event and for a price you can get some Zombie Garden Gnomes on, but you better hurry, there are only two left.  Amazon sales aren't the only thing going up right now, ammunition manufacturer Hornady has been selling their Z-Max "zombie bullets" for a while but they have just recently started a large advertise campaign. 

While I can't say for sure they are trying to capitalize on recent increase in zombie awareness I have a pretty good assumption and I can't say I blame them.  Company spokesman, Everett Deger told WWJ Newsradio 850 that while the bullets are real, they're only meant to be used on targets and not on people.  He also stated that they are Hornady's most successful product.  But wait, there's more....product manufactures aren't the only one capitalizing on the situation. The South Florida Business Journal reports that the site of the infamous "Miami Zombie" will become the latest addition to the Miami Crime Coach Tour from HistoryMiami.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Hollywood zombies Vs The actual possibility

For years Hollywood has been portraying zombies as corpses that have been brought back to life and for the most part people are expecting that's what the zombie apocalypse will be. Perhaps we are looking in the wrong place.  The thought of dead bodies rising from the ground and corpses walking around seems a little far fetched to me but maybe there is another cause of zombie-like behavior.  Take Toxoplasmosis for instance.  This particular infection is caused by the parasite Toxoplasma gondii. Normally it only infects rats and causes them to act in a manner that would lead to death, usually by cats, which is how their life cycle is completed. This parasite has also been known to inhabit pigs and cows and the CDC has reported that "More than 60 million men, women and children in the U.S. carry the Toxoplasma parasite".  If this parasite can make rats act strangely than who is to say it couldn't effect humans? Dr. E. Fyller Torrey at the Stanely Research Institute made a connection between this parasite and and schizophrenia.  
Toxoplasmosis isn't only thing that can alter behavior.  Take for instance the epidemic in Uganda they call the "nodding disease".  It usually only effects children between 5 and 15.  This disease is very debilitating. It causes seizures and most of the children effected wander around aimlessly. Most have to be tied down to keep them from just wandering off. The CDC has no known cure but they believe it is transmitted by a parasite from the black fly.  While this disease is serious and nothing to joke about it can make you wonder. How long is it until an epidemic that can effect humans enough to act "zombie-like" spreads across the country with no known cure?

Friday, June 1, 2012

Times are a changin....

By now I'm sure everyone has heard of the incident in florida with the naked man chewing on another guys face.  If not then you probably heard of the New Jersey man that cut out his own intestines and threw them at a police officer. Weather or not you believe zombies could exist or not, you have to agree these are not normal times. I personally think we haven't seen anything yet and it will only get worse. The situation in Florida is unique for several reasons. The guy was not just chewing on the other guys face, he was actually swallowing pieces of flesh. Also he was shot 6 times and he continued his facial feast without pause. I don't care what you're on or how much adrenaline is pumping, if you get shot once you're going to stop doing what you're doing and at least have a look around. The oddest thing I think is how fast they blamed this on "cocaine psychosis" and then again to bath salts. Truth is they have no clue or they are covering something up. Toxicology takes weeks and sometimes months to get results.  Perhaps you already knew about this and it's not surprise to you, but did you know there were 10 other strange events that happened in Florida this month alone?

These are just in Florida, I could go on and on about the other strange happening around the US.  Are they all related to impending zombie apocalypse?...Perhaps, but one things for certain, times are changing.  If you haven't started your preparations already, then you may be too late.